Give Me a Lightbulb

Karrikatyrer, by Bruno Liljefors (1885)

BSG-4-T1067-NOR-0006 While doing a bit of “research” on painters of “natural history,” I ran across the work of Bruno Liljefors (1860–1939). He led a somewhat eventful, and not always happy, life. But he is justly famous for his paintings of nature.1

As I looked for more information about him, I ran across a delightful little “comic book,” as we might call it, that he published in 1885, Karrikatyrer, Swedish for Caricatures.

It’s very short, but quite remarkable, and even without knowing Swedish (I don’t!), the pictures tell the stories. Here, for example, is how “Pojkar och bönder” (“Boys and Peasants”) begins—no prizes for guessing how it continues!


Well worth a “read”!

  1. The two-part series under the title “No Greater Naturalist” gives ample evidence for that grand claim: [Part 1][p1] and [Part 2][p2]. 

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